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How To Remove Juice Stains From Carpet

Although fruit juice is healthy for the body, it can stain a carpet terribly. Fortunately, it is easy to remove fruit juice stains from the carpet.

Fruit juice has a bad reputation for staining clothes and fabrics in general and can be quite tough to remove. However, the packaging is sometimes so difficult to open, that it gives rise to accidents. Not to mention that if you give a party at home, it is very common to spill a glass or two here and there when you are having a toast! This arises the need for cleaning. If you do it quickly enough however, you will have time to prevent the stain from becoming encrusted. Here’s how to remove fruit juice stains from a carpet.

Clean Carpet Juice Stains Sydney
Clean Carpet Juice Stains Sydney

You Will Need:

  • A vaporizer
  • Water
  • Rags
  • Sopalin

All you need to do is act quickly, have the right tools, and apply the measures in this article. These DIY tips are especially useful for spills that are new. To remove fruit juice stains from a carpet these are the steps to follow:

Steps To Clean Fruit Juice Stains

Step 1

Add 4 drops of dishwashing liquid and an equal amount of warm water of a cup in a bowl. Spray the warm water on the stains directly. Later dab on the stain with a damp sponge. Be careful not to soak the carpet when spraying the stain, otherwise, the stain may spill out.

Step 2

Fill another bowl with just lukewarm water. Dab the stain and spray again using paper towels. If the stain is still prevalent, try re-wetting the stain and blotting again until it is less prominent.

Step 3

Tap the stain with a cloth soaked in the solution prepared in Step 1, starting from the outside to the inside of the stain to avoid spreading it. Make a cleaning solution with a tablespoon of non-bleached detergent and about 20 CL. if the stain is very difficult and persists. One could also replace it with a mild shampoo and detergent. Mix this preparation thoroughly and apply it with a cloth soaked on the stain.

Step 4

With another cloth that you have soaked in the bowl of warm water, tap the stain again, from the outside to the inside. Use a spoon to gently massage the cloth on the stain, starting from the outside to the middle. Use a circular motion, as this helps to dissolve the stain and prevent it from spreading.

Step 5

Use a dry cloth or paper towel to remove the excess water and dry the carpet. Dab the stain and apply a little more mixture on the stain until there is no more color of the stain on the paper towel that is used to mop.

Step 6

If the stain does not go off easily, you can opt for an ammonia solution + warm water, followed by a vinegar solution + warm water.

Carpet Juice Stains Removal
Carpet Juice Stains Removal

Instant Removal Of Juice Stain

The portion where the juice has fallen should be cleaned by the clean cloth or blot paper which will absorb the juice on the surface. Then wash the portion with the hot water so that the juice which has got mixed with the dirt and got settled also comes out and the warm water will clean the surface stains too. If you apply this method as soon as your carpet gets stain then this method will be helpful.


Use white rags to treat the stain; this will prevent the transfer of colors to your carpet, which can happen with colored rags. Rinse and dry the carpet. Blot the mat to remove extra water and then rub with a clean, dry cloth over the damp stain. For drying purpose, you can use a hairdryer on a high temperature


To avoid damaging a carpet, avoid rubbing. Also, just keep tapping with your cloth. Avoid using ammonia on a carpet made of wool. Test the solution on a  smaller area first instead of rubbing it all over the surface of your carpet.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services:-

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services Sydney
Professional Carpet Cleaning Services Sydney

No matter if you had accidental spills on the carpet or there are stains due to some other reason, hiring a professional is always a better choice. Professionals have the proper knowledge and expertise to carry out the cleaning procedure effectively. Clean Master Sydney is your one-stop solution for all your Local Carpet Cleaning in Sydney needs. We are a leading company with a huge client base. We deliver the best class services at an affordable price. Our staff is highly qualified with years of experience and expertise. We are a certified company with certified staff.

We are available 24*7 even on weekends and public holidays. Moreover, we believe in quality services. Hence, the best quality is our main motive. We aim at bringing a smile on your face. We offer world-class services with a quality you would love paying for. You can also get in touch with us via mail or chat. We also sanitize your carpets for a more germfree look. You will have clean, fresh and good smelling carpets after availing our services.

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