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How To Clean A Fabric Sofa?

Fabric sofas add to the ambiance and aesthetics of the living space. They are economical, comfortable, and durable. They are made of wool, nylon, silk, cotton, linen, and a variety of other materials. These sofas increase the grace of the living space and are also highly functional. They can be used in commercial as well as residential settings. On the other hand, their cleaning is a mostly ignored aspect. Not many people invest time and money in fabric sofa cleaning services in Sydney. Majority of the people just use this furniture and forget about its cleaning. This causes irreparable damage to the fabric which cannot be salvaged even by fabric sofa cleaning Sydney service providers. Read this blog to know more about how to clean a fabric sofa like sofa cleaner Sydney professionals!

How To Clean A Fabric Sofa?

How To Clean A Fabric Sofa At Home?

If you do not intend to opt for fabric couch cleaning Sydney services and have decided to clean your sofa and furnishings by yourself then these are the few things that you need to remember.

  1. You should search for the user guidebook that the seller may have provided you with for the delivery of the fabric sofa. So as to prevent any potential as well as permanent damage to the upholstery.
  2. If you do not find the user guidebook, then find the manufacturer’s label for more instructions. Mentioned ahead are the 4 codes that provide information for fabric couch cleaning in Sydney. Here is their connotation:

W – This material can be cleaned with water.

S – Do not use water to clean this type of material. For this, you need to buy a solvent-based cleaning product.

WS – This type of material can be cleaned with a combination of water and solvent-based cleaning product.

X — This material can only be vacuumed.

These manufacturer’s labels provide better guidelines on how best your fabric sofa can be cleaned with materials that would be effective and not damaging. It is wise not to ignore them.

 Eliminating Stains From Fabric Sofa:

Clean Fabric Sofa Using Soap and Water

  1. First, move the vacuum all over the sofa fabric upholstery so the dirt from the sofa’s surface is removed beforehand and it does not circulate while doing couch cleaning Sydney.
  2. Combine water, vinegar, a small portion of any liquid dish soap and transfer this solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Scatter it all over the material while also making sure that there is a bit of distance between the couch and the spray bottle.
  4. Brush and Dab the material with a clean microfiber cloth after it has been dampened and the stain has been removed. Microfiber is extremely useful in gathering the dirt and dust. Plus if it’s a lighter shade then you know how much dirt that has gotten collected from where and which parts of the fabric sofa upholstery are relatively clean.
  5. Take another clean microfiber cloth dipped in water for eliminating all the soapy fluid from the upholstery.
  6. Use box fans to dry the upholstery. If you have time at hand and the weather permits, then you can show the fabric sofa some sunlight for better and faster drying.

Clean Fabric Sofa Using Steam

To begin with, conduct a patch test to understand if the steam does any harm to your sofa fabric. As soon as you come to know that it does not damage the fabric of your sofa you can start the steam cleaning procedure using the given steps.

  1. Make it a point to vacuum the sofa before beginning and also after finishing the steam cleaning. The first vacuuming will draw out the surface dust and dirt. The concluding one is essential for removing the dirt particles that come to the surface from the deeper portions due to the heat.
  2. Usually, upholstery cleaning professionals make use of microfiber cloth for picking up the tiny rubble after a steam cleaning session. You would have to switch them with newer ones as you go on with the cleaning so that the majority of dust and dirt is taken out.
  3. After it is vacuumed again to conclude, dry out your sofa fabric with the help of sunlight or drying under the fan, or better yet soak it in under sunlight.

Using this method you can surely clean your upholstery fabric by yourself instead of opting for the services of couch cleaner Sydney. These procedures would make your upholstery look shiny clean and fresh once again. Doing this, you are all set to relax on your favorite couch yet again!