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How Long Does It Take To Clean A Mattress?

Mattresses are an essential part of our home furnishings and keep us in comfort for well over a decade. We have a habit of changing the bedcovers and sheets but do we really invest our time and money in cleaning our mattresses? After all, they support our bodies and are subject to wearand tear. They also absorb dead skin, germs, body fluids, food spills, etc. They tend to get dirty just like any other upholstered furniture. So cleaning them every now and then can keep them clean and germ-free and extend their life. They tend to gather odors and spots which too can get addressed with a scrub and a wash here and there. Professional mattress cleaning Sydney service providers do a thorough job of cleaning and reviving the mattress, there are a few home remedies that too can keep our mattresses in shape.

How Long Does It Take To Clean A Mattress?

Mattresses ideally need to be cleaned twice a year. It takes roughly about 24 hours to clean a mattress and following that it should be aired in the sun. This cleans the mattress well and gives it back its original look to a large extent. Using a vacuum, dishwashing solution and bicarbonate of soda mattresses can be cleaned. Stubborn and deeper stains may be applied to stronger chemical solutions purchased across store counters.

Suggestions for General Upkeep of Mattress

No matter how you use your mattress, it is best to try removing liquids, grime, dirt, and bodily fluids as promptly as you can. Or else they tend to seep in deep and settle in making their removal tougher. Let us see the steps to cleaning the mattress.

Remove and wash the top sheet or cover

Wash the sheets after stripping them from the bed. This essentially guards your mattresses against any surface stains. You can check the manufacturer’s instructions in the tag.

Vacuum clean mattress

Use the upholstery attachment of your vacuum cleaner.  Vacuum the sides and top of the mattress to suck out dirt, dust mites, etc. You might tilt your bed to give it a good clean at the sides.

Clean stains

Mattresses are prone to sweat and drool that may be cleaned using stain removers like enzyme cleaners or upholstery cleaners. But do small patch areas test to see if it doesn’t damage the mattress. Another option is to use a tiny amount of any mild dishwashing solution in one cup of water.

When cleaning try to keep the mattress dry and dab or spray cleaner directly on the stain. Gently blot the stain away from the affected mattress area.  Do not forcefully rub into the fabric and don’t let the moisture seep too much. Repeat this till stains fade out.

Sanitize and deodorize the mattress

The mattress tends to become smelly. Deodorizing removed smells. Place the mattress under the sunlight by placing it next to a window where light seeps in. This is a natural sanitizer. Watch out for rain or creeping animals wishing to take a rest on it.

Using baking soda

After your mattress has been exposed to the sun sprinkle generously bicarbonate of soda all across the mattress surface. Let this remain for a couple of hours to a day or so.

Vacuum again

To suck out residual bicarbonate of soda, vacuum the mattress. Then slip in a clean mattress protector and sheets on the mattress.

So How Long Does It Take To Clean the Mattress?

Mattress cleaning and sanitization can make it ready for you to use in two hours. A single mattress can take 15-20 minutes to be cleaned while a double mattress might take half an hour. King and queen-sized mattresses can take up to one hour.

Another Popular Method to Clean a Mattress

Take a few drops of dishwashing liquid and mix with it 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Put this in a spray bottle and spray on the mattress. Sprinkle bicarbonate of soda on the stain and allow standing. When dry vacuum this.

Why Deep Cleanse Your Mattress?

Mattresses get urine stains and they settle and dry. To rid of these stains blend one cup of hydrogen peroxide, a drop of liquid dish soap, and three tablespoons of baking soda. In a spray bottle swirl these. This helps in treating stains and keeping the fresh look of your mattress.

We also shed a lot of dead skin and cells that dust mites feed on. So mattresses are fertile grounds for mites. Of course, mattress cleaning Sydney service providers would do a thorough job of removing all these.

Dust mites prosper in hot humid weather and mattresses provide that with a non-stop supply of dead skin. So cleaning your sheets, and pillow cases are very important. Dust mites give rise to allergies and breathing discomfort in a few. So regular vacuuming is needed to suck out bugs, droppings, and skin flakes.

Flipping– A Good Practice

According to mattress manufacturers flipping or rotating your mattress is a good practice. It should be done every three to six months for spring mattresses and for foam and latex mattresses every six months. According to the experts flipping or rotating prolongs mattress life and eases out wear and tear. It also benefits your posture as it prevents sagging points from forming.

Mattresses in conclusion are a vital part of our home furnishing and we spend a considerable amount of time on them. So keeping it clean is important also because it literally can become a bed of disease and infections. The question of how frequently you should clean it gets overlooked when you actually spill something on it. This would require immediate cleanup before stains settle in. A good mattress protector reduces the need for frequent mattress cleaning.

A mattress also needs anything between 24-48 hours to be fully dry and be ready for usage. While home care can extend the life of your mattresses for well over a decade sanitization and deodorizing cleaning is best provided by mattress cleaning Sydney experts.